Everytime i look at my "Fundamentals of Electric Circuits" book, or "Principle of C++ Programming", or even during class when me and my friends were taught about differential equation and calculus, this thought often occur in my mind.
"What am I doing here? Do I actually like this?
Am I okay facing the prospects of working with dead wires and sophisticated electronic gadgets in the future? Shouldn't I be somewhere studying architecture happily?
Isn't that what I like?
Drawing and designing skyscrapers and buildings.
I can be better in many other things than what I am doing now.
Am I happy with what I am doing right now?
What am I doing here?
What now?
"Teach me how to befriend them.
Teach me how to love them.
Teach me how to live with them."
back to reality. Sadly, I should continue studying for my coming exam.
"Dear Lord, If this is Your will, so be it.
I know the day will come, I can't deny it,
Break me, mold me Lord as You will."