Now back to depression. Depression does not affect your faith or beliefs. However, spiritually, you will feel empty, feeling that God doesn't listen to your cries and prayers. Feeling far from God, finding difficulties in experiencing His love or joy. Yet,it may be a time in your life where you need to seek Him most (and hardest). For in a state of depression, you've lost your sense of feeling and emotions. It is a testing time of your faith to God for your "feeling" just aren't there and you need to stand firm on your belief.
Pray for healing. Pray for the right helpers. Pray that God will give you strength to cope with the depression you're facing. Depression makes it hard for you to concentrate on praying or reading His word. Have others pray with or for you. Listen to music (christian music). Often a depressed person would like to avoid meetings, but worship and fellowship always help, don't avoid church service in times like this.
Building a spiritual foundation is essential. Make prayers and devotions a habit. Seek God daily, pray for guidance and wisdom in every circumstances. And when the time of trial comes, you will be able to seek God easily.=))